Date Written: September 25th, 2016
Boolean search terms are important when a person is trying to find something on their search engine a lot quicker. The less results, the better chance
they have to find it. Their are only 3 boolean search terms, but they are very crucial while searching the web. Those 3 terms are and, or, or not. These terms
can help identify answers a lot quicker. If a peerson uses and then they will get less results, due to the fact that you want 2 or more items. An example is
pizza and salad. This will give the person less results, because the person is searching for both items. Then comes the or. The or will give us more results,
because a person would want at least one of those items, while a person utilizing the and search term wants both of the objects in the search box. 1 example
of this being deployed is when the person is now searching for pizza or salad. Lastly, comes the not. The not will give us a smaller amount of items to look
through, because their are homophones(Homophones are words that a person says like another word, but they have different definitions. Examples: their, there,
or they're) and a person might get the wrong results because of the homophone. An example of this being harnessed is when the person is searching for pizza
not pizzeria. These search terms can help people find what they need a lot quicker, and smaller results give us a more likely chance to find what we want or
even need. Added to the boolean search terms are other words phrases and clauses, that can also help us humans find mor einformation on what we need. Their
are some synonyms but ing symbols. This means that and can also be used in another way. That other way is +. A subtraction sign would then stand for not.
Some things don't have to do with the 3 boolean search terms, but they are also very important to find what someone is looking for on the world wide web.
One of the possibilites are quotation marks or "". Quotations marks are used when a person wants to find the exact word o a web page in the quotation marks.
So, if we were to use "I want a salad for dinner tonight.", then the search engine will look through every single website on the world wide web, and find
the website that has those words. Another symbol that has the same meaning is the parentheses sign which looks like (). The parentheses does the same exact
job that the quotation marks can do. Instead of saying I want a salad for dinner, we can also say that (I want a salad for dinner.) This is basically helping
us, and these terms are the necessary terms that a human or even a robot will need to gain facts, information, etc. Boolean serach terms work with other search
terms (the other terms don't have a name yet) to creat a better way for people to access other websites, find what they need and quickly as well. The 3 search
terms are and or or not, and they will help us along with other terms and find what they are looking for, a lot faster! The boolean search terms are used everyday
by billions of people!
Date Written: July 17th, 2016
Programming is actually pretty easy if one tries hard enough to learn it. So, lets talk about programming to divide different numbers. Double is the best term
to use when one is doing a division problem. Double will give the exact answer, while float will too, but double can hold numbers with more digits. When programming an
addition problem, we wouldn't want to use double or float, because it would write the answer as 64.0. We would only want to use double or float when we are adding decimal
numbers, or doing any math operation with decimals. The answer comes out really fast, and we can do anything with the computer. Now, lets talk about how one can program
anything they want to print. It is actually very simple. First off, we always have to put public static void main(String[]args) right after the name of the program. Then,
we put the curly brackets to start our program. After that is done, we writ String, and we can put any name we want. Lets say that the name is Face. When that is done, we
have to write a equal sign, which will then lead us to what we want the computer to print out. To do that we have to put "", and we write whatever we want the computer to
print in it. The first line of this program should look like, String Face = "Eyes, Mouth, ears, nose". Their is just one more line after this line, and that is to make sure
the computer knows that it wants to print what is in the quoatation marks. As always, we write System.out.println("Face"). The computer now knows what to print, so it will
print what we wrote in the quotation marks. One does not always have to put the ln in print, because that stand for new line. If we are writing a bunch of lines, then they
will come one after the other if we use ln. If we don't, then they will all be jumbled up and will be really hard to read. Lets talk about some if, else, and else if statements.
These are pretty cool. If the if statement is true, then it will not go to the next line, and it will just skip all the else, and else if statements. If the if statements is
false, then it will continue onto the next line of the program. The next line will always be be an else if statement. Their can also be any number of else if statements, until
one is a true statement. Once that else if or if statement is true, then it will just go after all the else statements and everything, and continue onwards. The last type of
statement is the else statement. This one is bit different than the other 2 types of statements. If this type of statement is true, then it would go onto to the next line, but
we can only write one if and else statement. So, if the else statementsis true, then their really isn't any point of writing that whole ting, because the computer would print
out nothing. Anyway, lets talk about how the computer can do these math probkems so quickly. First off, we write the program, and the computer even tells us that we wrote the
wrong program. If their is a lightbulb, then that would mean that we forgot something in our program. If the error message is red, then that would mean that the line is wrong.
Back to the math. Once we are done writing the program, the program will be sent to the ALU, which stands for the Arithmatic Loic Unit. There, the ALU will do the math, and tell
us the answer! To be continued.
Date Written: July 16th, 2016
While playing video games, one might pass time if they have to wait for something. That is what makes the electronics world so great. It can help pass time
or it can help one by putting things in a neat graph, and lots of other ways. When using a computer, one can use eclipse to program. Their are different types of
eclipses for different programming languages. A lot of people start programming with Java. In Java, one can do a lot of things. They can print any letter they want,
or add, subtract, multiply or divide. Programming any math won't take that long, and they are all alike. To start off one needs to put public static void main(String
[] args) under the name of the program. In the next line, we have to put a curly bracket, because that curly bracket tells the computer to start the string. After the
curly bracket, we can start writing our code. We will write int and then we can put any name we want. In this case, we will call it number1 . So, the first line of code
in the sting will be int number1;. The 2nd line of code again has to be int and then anything we can put there. We will put number2. The 2nd line of code will turn out
to be int number2;. Once those 2 lines are done, we have to write int again. This time the int will be the sum, and we want to print out the sum of the numbers. The
3rd line of code will be int sum;, but we could put anything we wanted there. (In programming, we have to put a semicolon at the end of every single line in the string.)
Since the computer doesn't know any of the number, we have to tell them. This will be the 4th and 5th lines of code. In the 4th line of code we write number1 = any number
that we wanted to add. Lets say that the number1 is equal to 67. The 4th line of code will be number1 = 67;. The 5th line of code will be for number2. So, lets say
that number2 is equal to 33. The 5th line of code should be number2 = 33;. Onto the sixth line. In the 6th line in the string, we would start off with what we had named
our integer in line 3, which was sum. So, it should look like sum =. Now, we put the numbers that we want to add. We can't put 67 and 33, but we have to put number1 +
number2. The 6th line of code should look like sum = number1 + number2;. The last line should be System.out.println(sum). We are writing sum, because that is what we want
to find out. Once we print the code, it should give us the answer of 100. Right after we finish the 7th line of code, we have to put a curly bracket to finish the string,
so the computer will know that is all we want to print out. To do any other type of math, we just write the same code, but we don't copy the name of the code, because
the other ones should arleady have a code name. Instead of putting the plus sign, we put the the sign for what type of math we are doing. That is the only difference, but
one can change the name of the integer. We don't always have to put int, but we can put double and float. Those terms are used for decimals. Double can hold decimals with
a lot of digits, while float can't hold as many digits but it can hold decimals. When one is doing a division code, the double term would be the best one to use, because if
we use int, the quotient will come up. So, it will say that the answer to 654 divided by 653 is 1 even though it isn't. To be continued.